Add Some Whole Foods to Your Diet

Whole foods should be a part of every meal. Retail companies are coming up with a variety of foods that you can quickly prepare. Just because something is quick and easy, does not mean that it is good for us. Most of the time, quick and easy is the worst for you and I’m not just talking about food either (HA!).

We cannot be relying on packaged and frozen food for our nutrition. The truth is they don’t provide us with much nutrition. Unfortunately, we can’t rely on restaurants for our nutrients either. Sadly, eating out every meal of every day would drain our bank accounts. What would your wardrobe look like then?

It’s important to have good health and this is attained by eating good foods. It’s what we need in order to build the required immunity to fight the various odds in life. Enter, whole foods.

Whole foods are the part of our diet that will fill our body with wholesome health and the nutrients that can effectively and efficiently be absorbed into our bodies. This is why we need to concentrate more on eating whole foods.

Whole foods are refined or treated in a very minimal way. This means that, unlike the bowl of noodles you are attempting to survive on, they are not processed at all. A lot of the time, whole foods are organic and pesticide free.

You can have variety in your diet. Whole foods includes all types of fruits and vegetable that are farm fresh and full of the goodness of wholesome nutrients. There are so many whole food options out there. You’ll never get bored of eating healthy.

Some whole food vegetables include; asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes, garlic, eggplant, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, black beans and dried peas. It’s best to eat these vegetables raw. Cooking vegetables in high heat actually removes all the real nutrients. You’ll still receive some of the benefits from cooked vegetables but for optimal nutrition, eat ‘em raw!

There are also a variety of fruits that are considered whole foods. Throwing some of these options into your breakfast or lunch is a great way to soak up some nutrients. Make a fruit salad or a smooth with apples, avocados, bananas, oranges, sweet limes, lemons, pears, plums and pineapples.

Nuts, like cashews and almonds, are a great whole food snack to add to any meal and you can’t go wrong with low fat dairy products like grass-fed cheese, cow’s milk and yogurt.

These are great examples of vegetarian whole foods and believe it or not there are more! Apart from these pasteurized chicken, grass fed beef, eggs, fish like salmon, cod, scallops and more can be consumed as whole foods which can give you the required health that you have been looking for and this can form a base or a foundation of your health system which shall enable you to look after yourself even in times of old age.

Whole foods should be cooked into regular meals that can be taken up all through the day. Consumption of natural sweeteners like maple syrup and honey along with spices and herbs like parsley, ginger, cumin, cloves, and cinnamon can be used in order to make the whole foods more flavorful to eat. Healthy preparations can be cooked in very minimum oil and with extremely low heating in order to keep all of the great nutrients in the food. Over boiling or cooking with excessive heat should be avoided because this will drain the nutrients from the food. The veggies can be steamed till they are both crunchy and tender. Fruits can be eaten whole in order to retain the goodness of the fiber which may be lost if juiced out.

If you add these foods to your diets you will be gaining essential vitamins and nutrients that many people have trouble getting. These foods are also great for your appearance. Many of the nutrients in these foods can help your skin, hair, teeth bones and can even help you to be at a healthier weight. Why not add some whole foods to your diet?